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Food Services

Dear Parent/Guardian:

New London Public Schools has adopted a computerized Point of Sale system for all school meals served in the district’s cafeterias. This new system will assist us in increasing the level of service we provide, as well as generate accurate school meal counts. 

ALL students will continue to receive free meals; however, every student will have their own personal meal account based on their current student ID number.  Students can access their accounts on the PIN pads located at every register.  Students will be provided with their ID number at the start of school. In the event that your child forgets their ID number, cafeteria staff will have the ability to access it through every register.  

If you would like your child to be able to purchase extra meals, snacks, etc., you may send in money to be applied to your child’s account. When sending in money by check or cash, please include the student’s ID number on the check or envelope so it is deposited into the correct account. Checks can be made out to “New London Public Schools Child Nutrition Program”. Students will not be allowed to charge to their account if it has a zero balance.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Food Service office at 860-447-6064.

Thank you in advance for your patience in implementing this system.

Samantha Wilson
Child Nutrition Program Manager
New London Public Schools

Visit the District Food Service page for the most recent lunch menu.